Bosik Technologies (2013)Ltd

BOSIK's qualified team of professional engineers, designers and technicians offers a wide range of services.

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Bosik Technologies (2013) Ltd., formerly Bosik Consultants Ltd. (BCL) was founded in July 1989 to pursue engineering activities and to offer contract research and development services. In the spring of 2003 BCL changed their name to Bosik Technologies Limited to better reflect the direction of the company, and in the fall of 2013, the company had new ownership and the name was changed to Bosik Technologies (2013) Ltd. BOSIK utilizes integrated engineering analysis, design, fabrication and test competencies to provide business solutions to the safety & security, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) aerospace industries.

BOSIK's qualified team of professional engineers, designers and technicians offers a wide range of services to clients including development of specialized equipment from conceptual design through to construction and commissioning. Other services include testing in ballistics, bird impact and flight data recorders.

Safety and Security

BOSIK has designed innovative and effective safety and security products.

  • Suspect Package Containers, SPC-1000 & SPC-500 – lightweight, portable bomb containment systems: designed to totally contain the explosion and all resulting gasses with an airtight seal. Suitable for safe and quick removal of suspicious carry on luggage, letter bombs and other improvised explosive devices. BOSIK offers two different sized containers SPC-1000 (large) and SPC-500 (small) with corresponding protection factors. Applications: Police and Law Enforcement agencies, Airports, Embassies, Sporting Arenas, Postal Offices, Hotels and Casinos.

  • Ballistics - independent, comprehensive ballistic testing laboratory. Ballistic services include evaluation of: ammunitions, weapons, materials and personal protective equipment. The laboratory is suitable for handgun and rifle testing up to approximately .50 caliber. BOSIK designed and built a three-barreled gun to efficiently and effectively replicate multi-hit fire (automatic weapons). BOSIK offers custom designed test fixtures.


BOSIK develops maintenance, repair and overhaul equipment for the aerospace industry. Our core competencies give us the advantage to design, fabricate and install specialized machines. Key customers include Bombardier, Pratt and Whitney Canada and Honeywell.

  • Component wash spray booth with recirculating air flow which reduces emissions
  • Gas turbine production stands for fuel controls and fuel nozzles
  • Force measurement system for tethered testing


BOSIK offers unique capabilities in high impact testing with our 75-ft pneumatic cannon:

  • 3400 G impact testing of flight data recorders to EUROCAE ED-55, 56A standards
  • Armoured vehicle seat impact testing to 500 G for mine blast evaluation
  • Railway locomotive data recorders impact tests